<style type="text/css"> .Large { font-size: 200%; } .large { font-size: 125%; } .seven { color: #2B91E4; font-weight: bold; } .one { color: #E4412B; font-weight: bold; } .four { color: #17AB3B; font-weight: bold; } .six { color: #19CCE9; font-weight: bold; } .three { color: #75A32D; font-weight: bold; } </style> .pull-left[# `ctticc`: Visualizing Test Item Characteristics ### [Diego Figueiras](https://github.com/MontclairML) <br>& [John Kulas](https://github.com/jtkulas) ] <img src="ctticc.png" width="400" height="450" style="position:absolute; right:50px; bottom:50px;"> --- class: inverse, left, top # Description .pull-left[`ctticc` produces visual item characteristic curves from classic test statistics used in quiz and testing applications. + Simple inputs are: + *p*-values + corrected item-total correlations Test administrators receive *graphical* feedback regarding item performance: ] .pull-right[ ![](diego.png) ] --- # Application The graphical representations are most informative when item characteristics are plotted simulataneously:
--- # Interpretation The test administrator here can extract that .seven[Item 7] is the easiest, .one[Item 1] is the most difficult, .four[Item 4] and .six[Item 6] are not discriminating well, and something is "wrong" with .three[Item 3].
--- # Actions to take + The orders of administration of Item 1 and Item 7 should be swapped. + Item 4 and Item 6 should be evaluated for *relevance to the broader test content*. + Item 3 is either a scoring key mistake or should be dropped
--- # Implementation <img src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*Fp4GIm568zHv17pgJTbxPQ.png" width="450" height="320" style="position:absolute; left:-10px; bottom:150px;"> .pull-right[.large[ These visualizations are pedagogical tools that can further enhance the *instructor experience* with learning management systems. Visual representations of item functioning provide information that all users (including statistics-avoidant) should feel comfortable consulting and acting on.] ] --- # Supplementary information .pull-right[[![](paper.JPG)](ICC_project.pdf)] .pull-left[.Large[Technical information about the development of these visual aids is also available (click on image to right)] Our contact information: [Diego Figueiras](mailto:diego.figueiras@outlook.com) [John Kulas](mailto:jtkulas@ergreports.com) ]